daily requirement

Saturday, October 28, 2006

"you're a disgrace."

"i'm ashamed to go out with you."

"you never allow anyone to go close to you."

"you can never upkeep a relationship."

some of the things thrown into my face the past few days. last night became another breaking point.

granted. i've let people down. maybe almost everyone.

the worst part of being a new Christian is suddenly realising that you have let God down too.

and will continue to, for the rest of your life.

but last night, again a timely reminder by "a fresh start" how God loves us still.. always.. not because we are wonderful people, but simply, and purely because we are His forgiven children.

1 Corinthians 2: 15

The spiritual man makes judgement about all things, but he himself is not subject to any man's judgement.

so it's ok to be a little deficient.. i'm sorry i'm not superwoman, i'm sorry i can't please anyone. but i'm really trying my best.

in case you were wondering, nope, nothing related to lovey-dovey relationships. no no. thank God.

expected this to be physically draining.. but didn't think it'll be emotionally draining too.

of course i'm fatter.. look at all the photos posted.. perhaps after waking up at 5.45am for 7 weeks, almost-daily tests, weekly clinical examinations and night calls plus no social life except for having to go to the lilla gems shop till 8pm every day, it'll all burn off. (haha, complaining again)

something extraordinary happened during today's testimonial. it's as if Someone took over? always shunned public speaking, but somehow it all flowed today. just hope the impact our Lord intended was made = )

my shame He took away..

Thursday, October 26, 2006

another form of love..

sat there.. staring into space.. drowning in a chocolate cake even though i'm not supposed to.

to my surprise, you came and sat beside me.

one look at my face, and you asked, "why are you feeling down?"

so i told you everything that happened today.

i expected to be scolded again for my utter stupidity.

but instead, you said, "it's ok. it's alright, don't worry. you can do it."

fork paused in mid-air.

because when you said that, for the first time in my life, i really believed it. i really believed i could.

thought i let you down, but i didn't.

i don't deserve your love, i don't deserve your time.. i've wasted so much time..

so i must put this down.. i will work harder.. study extra hard for this posting.. i want so much to make you proud of me.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


tonight i finally realised.. how far apart i've grown.

not from anyone. but everyone.

i'm sorry everybody. this song is for all of you.

"Here Without You" by 3 doors down

A hundred days have made me older
Since the last time that I saw your pretty face
A thousand lies have made me colder
And I don't think I can look at this the same
But all the miles that separate
Disappear now when I'm dreaming of your face
I'm here without you baby
But you're still on my lonely mind
I think about you baby
And I dream about you all the time
I'm here without you baby
But you're still with me in my dreams
And tonight it's only you and me
The miles just keep rollin'
As the people leave their way to say hello
I've heard this life is overrated
But I hope that it gets better as we go
I'm here without you baby
But you're still on my lonely mind
I think about you baby
And I dream about you all the time
I'm here without you baby
But you're still with me in my dreams
And tonight girl its only you and me
Everything I know, and anywhere I go
It gets hard but it wont take away my love
And when the last one falls
When it's all said and done
It gets hard but it wont take away my love
I'm here without you baby
But you're still on my lonely mind
I think about you baby
And I dream about you all the time
I'm here without you baby
But you're still with me in my dreams
And tonight girl its only you and me

you were right. i'm not indispensable.

Sunday, October 22, 2006


sorry.. hardly have time to relax with a meal or just sleep this apparent-holiday.. but in the end, i hope it'll all be worth it:

Luke 5: 5-11

Simon answered, " Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets." When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. So they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink. When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus' knees and said, "Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!" For he and all his companions were astonished at the catch of fish they had taken, and so were James and John, the sons of Zebedee, Simon's partners. Then Jesus said to Simon, "Don't be afraid; from now on you will catch men." So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him.

quite fortunate though, to catch grupo corpo in their brazilian parabelo and lecuona.. astounded by how they married both samba and ballet.. nothing to finish off hip-swaying cross-body-lead with a subtlely sensual yet elegant arabesque/ open 5th/ attitude en evant/retiree passe.. this is for the benefit of my dance classmates = ) pure beauty.

some dances got me thinking.. one in which the lady had to act as a corpse.. u noe, as limp as patients in the OT minus anaesthetist, oops sorry i mean porter arranging their arms.. and yea it must have been difficult acting dead when u're alive.. but anw was thinking abt who in fact gave me life (Jesus!) and eternal life.. and just thankful = ) also some dances in which the girl was in control (whoa) of course inviting sniggers from the crowd, but well.. i will never let anyone else control my life. only God.

can't believe i have to work fr 11am to 8pm on a public hol come tues.. argh who asked me to volunteer.. just hope studies won't suffer for this VIP(very impt posting)..

it really is different in uni.. when you know no one from your jc.. and just don't belong anywhere.
to the 3 friends facing this, please hang in there and smile.

excerpt from current fave song: so far away, for far too long..

and it's just You and me here now.
only You and me here now..

Saturday, October 14, 2006


was a little down on sat.. really wanted to go out with family or frens.. esp on the 1st day of holiday.. but too giddy from bppv again.

luckily.. recovered in a day. yesterday was such fun at our church's anniversary lunch, wish i had more time with you guys = ( and lovely ladies a' dancing went to watch Mad Hot Ballroom in the hazy air at the esplanade till midnight.. talking about life at the rooftop terrace. talking about how.. someday, we will have to hang up the ballet shoes. well, there's always merengue.

there are 2 resplendent birthday girls this week at abof!

haha.. would love to post more but mid-way thru the funding proposal (i have no experience in asking for sponsorship.. and registration costs 400 bucks, newsletter is 20 DOLLARS a page.. oh man..) but well trust in Him now.. this support group is not for me.
Romans 8: 28
And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them.

thank you girly belle.. for the company today.. sorry for the poor appetite.. as the pictures show, been eating too much haha (all food on this blog courtesy of abof. want to post more pictures but server's down).. may we continue to grow in Christ = )

Saturday, October 07, 2006

woke up this morning.. not to the alarm clock, but on smelling the haze. serious! it makes eczema worse (where is a support grp when u need one.. haha..), allergic rhinitis cracking up again. bleh.

made a new fren. who asked me how's school and if i had plenty of tutorials. haha.. if only u knew, my school equates to poking veins, giving oxygen and inserting tubes.

enjoying anaesthesia surprisingly.. it's fun! to be isofluraned cos hands are too small to hold mask.. and falling asleep during lecture later (5 pple in the class.. so obvious) and woohoo.. managed to intubate on friday! immense sense of satisfaction cos without which the patient can't breathe effectively.. and of course the bagging and masking.. without which the patient can't live.. i mean, it just feels so important.. doing something many times a day which is life-saving. exciting also..always thought it was the boring side of the great divide, unlike the ever-busy surgeons.. but actually u have to be on ur toes and ensure the vitals are stable.. cos a single slip-up can lead to death..

which is why i kind of worry.. about choosing the path to dermatology. there are so many jokes abt it not being real medicine. and i worry too that it won't be as satisfying.. but then i worry too much =) irony isn't it.. that they only accept the top few.

initially, never quite understood the slant that sw's blog took, but think i noe why now.. cos there's just so much to write about, so much u want to share with the world.. and as the song says, dance about..

currently drowning in books.. better read as much as possible before obstetrics and gynaecology (O*shudder* & G *gasp*) starts. but thanks to a fresh start sw lent, read a chapter about Jesus always being with us. guess it is true. always prided myself on one point.. for over twenty years, never ever felt lonely.. always convinced it was a state of mind. until some months ago.. i felt.. very much alone. but this is more than luck, more than grace, more than love, guess what i meant in the prevoius post was, the Holy Spirit found me and now Jesus lives in me, and i no longer feel lonely anymore. He is taking my hand and it is a secure place to be.

while laying my head to rest just now, thought about how Jesus is a pillow to us too.. when we're tired, after turning to Him we feel rejuvenated and recharged (as karen said too!)

and lastly a continuation of the previous post when Jesus said in John 9:5 " I am the light of the world."

tried salsa on monday! cool.. but i still prefer ballet.
tried the brownie at abof today.. really really lip-smacking delicious. chocolatey but without the pharyngeal mucosal edema. only $4 some more..

Sunday, October 01, 2006

small step.. but very long post

been wanting to do this.. and guess today's sermon sparked it off.
going to be as honest as possible.. in order to relate to those reading this, so please forgive me Lord.

ok. left a big gaping hole as to how i became a Christian. sorry frens if u felt betrayed.. cos it was something deeply important and personal to me.

but church frens who were born into Christian families point out that my experience is vastly different fr theirs, and is something they'll never have. so therefore going to explain it, in the hope that maybe, somehow, it would have an effect = )

most of my close frens in medicine are Christians.. and went to Medicine Christian Fellowship events, mf's service in penang, had long talks etc.. so why wasn't i convinced then?

haha.. everyone thinks i'm a politically correct yes-man.. could not be more wrong.. i'm in fact more stubborn than a block of wood.

didn't recognise it then.. but the more pressure i felt with them around, the greater the sub-conscious barrier when it comes to experiencing and knowing the religion.. there were many thoughts that went thru my mind to denounce it, make it completely unreal.

things like..
"oh they hear and sing about God is great every week of course they'll be brainwashed into thinking that."
"yea right, when things do turn out right, how do they know it's not their own effort or maybe fate.. why do they say it's His grace?"
"why should anyone give their lives up to someone else that may not even exist? this is my life, i decide how to live it. i live for myself, my goals and my family. that's all."
" i don't need anyone. if i'm weak, frens and family will be my strength. in the end, i always made it thru without Him anyway."

but i suppose the model that grace introduced proved true, on retrospect. it's about the head of the train with the engine being believing the fact of religion, the fuel of the train being faith in the religion, and the passenger car, feeling. had several encounters, plus prophesies from the Bible which made me forced to believe in it factually, but the other two (faith and feeling) were lacking.

guess after numerous clinical postings and acknowledging there is a god, didn't do anything cos i just figured it should come naturally.

one fine day a lovely fren named belle invited me to her church dinner.. the 2nd time that i came into contact with Calvary Baptist. didn't feel anything as usual. but was objectively stirred by what a guy with NPC shared in his testi, that he used to only believe in himself. now, do i believe in myself? nope. not at all. i did believe in Him factually, but never did anything about it. of course, being practical, thought about how much more busy i'll be in future, and decided to try exploring after paeds.

went alone.. cos i've always felt religion is abt a personal relationship with Him. that was 6 weeks ago. to the uninitiated, been falling ill very often.. worst was that bacterial tonsillitis. ok so decided on Newton Life Church (www.newtonlifechurch.org) cos it was where i attended kindergarten and learnt songs like "Jesus loves me yes i know" etc. initially, didn't feel much, everything was foreign and still had those doubts.

i suppose it was His will that it struck. been suffering fr vertigo (BPV) post-URTI. but this time, it was so bad,barely able to move head (during ophthalmology.. which i was interested in but couldn't examine properly), couldn't eat cos nauseous, definitely couldn't dance or drive.. and it dragged on for 10 days despite stemetil, dramamine and all..

being sick is quite alright actually. physically. u get used to the pain. but, each time it happens, CNS depression sets in for me.. and it gets really bad sometimes.. nightmares, tears, all the pent-up emotions for the past few months return and u're just too weak to fight it. was angry, depressed, bitter and just.. desperate. msged bestie 4 times (haha sorry my dear.. didn't noe u were busy) to no avail. that's it. i was all alone. my family was wonderfully understanding, frens were helping me w schoolwork.. every possible source of support was there.. and i tried my best for many months but yet, it all came back to the dark ages. at that point, i realised how weak and helpless i was, how much i truly needed Him, how much His love really means. left with nothing else, i finally prayed. and asked Him for help.. that if i am to believe in Jesus, please guide me thru. that night, just read the Word, and it amazingly calmed me down. very first page i chanced upon.. was how Jesus healed a sick woman (part 4 of our He did what? series in the youth ministry haha)

subsequently, dunno why or how, but read a lil of the Bible everyday, and it was somehow pertinent to what i was troubled/ thinking about. the next time i went for service, actually teared at the song about laying your burden at the Cross.. even though didn't do so at the same song in Calvary. so began praying everyday and somehow He did show His grace.. as if He really wanted me to fully believe.. with the idea of support group to help God's people and learning to love one and its amazingly smooth passage. ENT posting was initially very difficult.. which saw me rely on Him more and more.. and patho was no better. in the end, with each church visit and day that passes, i find it harder and harder to explain.. it was as if i had experienced God. somehow u just know and feel that He is in your life, in you, every step of the way.

it's the most wonderful gift.. gift of eternal life, but again that drove me away initially cos i wanted to make sure i wasn't in here cos of fear of death, in fact i couldn't care less what happens after life. But He offers a beautiful life on earth too.. and a selfless love that will never leave you. enjoying quiet time everyday, youth ministry, weekly service and small grp. most of all.. frens! =)

life has certainly changed.. as the book says, a fresh start.
was just thinking abt this as i was going to this particular place. there are 2 stairwells that lead to it, one lit and the other dim. usually take the lit path (duh).. but somehow wanted to change things and take the dim one instead.. was no longer afraid, and found my way. made me think about how Jesus lights the path for us when He is within us, so we no longer need an artificial lamp.. or simply, Psalm 119:105 : Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path.

ok.. very long story. but it's the end (cos there are write-ups and proposal to do)

like you, i read things like these and other books that preach about the Gospel, and thought it was all a crappy illusion. it took years and many setbacks to realise i was wrong. just wanted to testify, that true belief in Christianity can never happen, until you let Him into your life and experience it for yourself.