daily requirement

Saturday, June 13, 2009

ideational apraxia

faith is a strange thing.. the more you seek it, the more you can't find it.. and just when you say, ok that's it.. i am just simply going to get up.. go to work.. go home.. study and simply, trust each step of the way.. the true peace sets in surreptiously.. when you didn't even notice it.

been trying to think of what to write.. and it's getting harder to think whilst surrounded by MCQ questions, a 774-page book and other cover-binded objects... soon the patient list will grow again.. but thankfully contentment in the midst of everything takes over..

the only profound statement i can think of is.. that some things, like a macaron.. cannot be broken into halves.. not even a little bit.. because the entire thing will crack apart. but still.. the layers within (the most i've eaten is 4! in pierre hermes..) will stay together.. in a truly strong macaron. but like humpty dumpty.. it can't be put back together again.

oh! happy day.


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