daily requirement

Friday, April 10, 2009


it suddenly hit me while playing the piano..
why i had to save all those people in the pools/ waterfalls of blood, exsanguinating from bleeding..
it's because they can be saved.
just like this very day, Jesus could have been saved from death, but He chose to stay on the cross.. and bled.
for one very simple reason: He made that decision to go through with it. for us.

and as we realised, the older we become.. the harder it is to commit to a decision.. and actually stick with it.

only when b asked yesterday.. did i realise that i had not considered any other alternative.. but no! i am still young.. and there's so much more i want to do first... much much more..

John 10:10 I came that they might have life, and might have it abundantly


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