daily requirement

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

KIV augment next r/v

think i shall finally pen this down.. since i can't sleep despite running around all night..
ha suggest u skip it if u're not akin to 36 hour shifts.
oh and a word of caution, we always talk about the things we do post-call after not being asleep.. i found a new one! i walked into the male toilet today = ]

now it's " i heard you had a bad call.. again.."
i keep thinking.. it's ok! the next one will be better! but it usually gets worse = P
not that i mind, there is learning involved.. mostly re-learning..
but after that call on friday which we're still talking about.. the one that made it to the papers.. the one that cured my long-standing headache and flu in an instant..the one that for the first time i lost count of the resuscitations..

it just startled me.. the very fine line between life and death.. is the BP unrecordable because it's not there or is it just barely there?

and i'm just astounded as to how we saved every single person that night.. how i actually have the ability to do so in my own hands (with the help of others) to pull all of them back to safe ground.. there were times i almost felt as if there were a cape around my neck and i wanted wings to fly to the blood bank. a nurse actually blurted last night, " you're here to the rescue!" is that really how i am viewed?

and the funny thing is, the sense of fulfillment for doing so is something i'm getting used to already.. so post-call after yet another last-minute interview (botched up!), i sat staring into space for hours wondering what i did wrong (there was nothing fortunately) instead of a contented sleep.

meanwhile the rest of work is well.. let's just say i'm the only one who hasn't said they'll quit yet. so u shall pardon the unanswered contact for now.. while i try to lie supine again...

but no! i met several others with the same name who are not so fortunate.. i shall learn to count my blessings.. till the next call.

Psalm 91:4-6
He shall cover you with His feathers, And under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler. You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, Nor of the arrow that flies by day, Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, Nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.


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