daily requirement

Thursday, October 02, 2008

are you afraid?

it brought me back to what my C asked that day, " do you fear your own death?"

"no... there's morphine and fentanyl and bicarb and........"

actually.. no.. cos i'm going to a better place. He promised.

timely, for it was pre-call.. and that call was the most frightening ever. each patient scared the day-and-nightlights out of me.. even though there were zero life-threatening incidents.

that night i realised.....there are things that scare me more than death.

but in that second today i was surrounded by lightning (but not struck), i realised that if i were to die now.. i would have.. no regrets =)

testimony that i've done too many calls: borrowed a nurse's pen but can't remember which ward or which night it was..... anw lend it to me for a while more.. ran out of pens!


  • At 1:00 PM, Blogger Vincent Lim said…

    joel has a lot of pens... borrow from him... haha

  • At 1:54 AM, Blogger *sg* said…

    ooo...I'm missing out too much by being away! Details I want details! hahahahha


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