daily requirement

Friday, August 31, 2007

pruritus capitis

stumped by most of the past year questions..

3 year old boy has ALL with WCC 100x109, what is he at risk of on starting therapy?
a) hyperphosphatemia
b) hypocal
c) hypokal
d) hypoglycaemia

Important feature of vitamin A deficiency.
a) Cockscrew hair
b) Hypopigmentation
c) Thinning of hairEcchymosis

Toxic megacolon not found in
a) Cholera
b) UC
c) Ischaemic bowel disease
d) C.jejuni
e) Pseudomembranous colitis

a) cannot be cultured in artificial medium
b) usually symptomatic and causes jaundice
c) benzylpenicillin used only when there is established renal and hepatic toxicity
d) arthropod-borne disease
e) doxyxycline shown to be of preventive use

The following features are found in typhoid fever EXCEPT :
A. Relative bradycardia
B. Leucopenia
C. Splenomegaly
D. Rose spots in the 2nd week of disease
E. Intestinal haemorrhage in 1st week of disease

shall do it the current cg25 way.. laugh it off.. haha hoho hurhur..

anw, found this good website on pulsus paradoxus:

if like me, you forget what your peers presented during paeds elective = P

jolly bean

in the shop again..
but fully satisfied from a great and healthy lunch.

must be from abof you say, nope they're busy during this time..
oh, one of the many food courts. na, too crowded..
surprise! it's food from home.

this hols saw a dismal budget, coupled with the fact of living alone soon.. decided to fix lunch everyday.
was initially apprehensive, since my repertoire was mainly bread.
however, wow actually enjoy home-cooked food more.
not that it tastes better, obviously not right.. but it's just more wholesome = )

today's lunch was carrefour provencal crepes, roti prata with tomato and sprinkling of cheese, another with honey coated bananas, and get this, multi-grain organic pau (haha it really tastes nice)

best of all.. the prata was ghee-less and just cooked (ie no burnt bits).. the fruits were juicy and fresh! and premium aussie honey.. mm..

among others tried (so i won't forget):
a) cha soba with ponzu/ mentaiko seaweed
b) roti prata (frozen) with anything eg. pork floss and honey, sausage, pineapple or any other fruit
c) fried bee hoon with chye sim and sea petal
d) miso instant noodles
e) oats-coated anything: fish, chicken, bananas or other fruit
f) pizza with just avocado, just pineapple, just tomatoes..
g) toasted baguette with herb-infused olive oil topped with garlic

of course, if all else fails, a fruit salad plus honey dressing and yoghurt!

taking george's advice.. and realising that the quality of ingredients makes a huge difference. eg tierney's sausages, carrefour vegetarian pizzas, beechworth honey (fr oz.. can't find it here oh dear.. but they have great recipes on website) and abof bread hurhur.. no offense but local producers tend to substitute freshness with chemicals for the lack of our ingredients.

we discovered a really nice organic eatery in fortune centre 2nd floor.. can't rem the name.. who would have thought it tastes nicer than normal food? met an old friend there too, who despite the new specs, recognised me after, oh my, 10 years = )

hm.. shall move on to pasta and fish next.. feeling inspired by jes who wakes up early to prep lunch everyday.. haha why not? = )

Sunday, August 26, 2007

fitness and calling

haha anyone who wants to see a collapsed patient/ # etc please follow me..
and oh! our cg found another type of "jinxed" food.. hamburger (han bao bao get it??) especially bad for children's emergency.. sorry victor i was really joking about the mass casualty thing.. didn't think it would really happen = P
no la, i suppose we are to leave it to Him.

remember sg.. how we rushed up the hill to the burning flames and smoke.. only to find the ambulance was there.. lol.

deja vu.
hm.. haha really need to pick up running again.
recalling the time when, on the bus, saw a motorcyclist lying motionless on the road.
got off at the next stop, and ran (it felt like it, really!) towards him.. but the ambulance sped ahead of me..

so today, was looking forward to a leisurely walk when again, lights blaring.. and another ambulance zoomed by with the left signal. so i ran after it.. turned left too but couldn't find it! hm, maybe it's the next road? ok.. run run.. hm where is it?? in the end, after 20 minutes.. resigned myself to the fact that it's a lil too late sigh. and non-emergency ambulance too thank God.

ok ok i'll start gymming tomorrow.

how can anyone actually finish studying for MBBS? trying to plough through 5 years of work/ inactivity.. really grateful that i can still at the end say, He'll make it alright, somehow..

hm.. truly inspired by her optimism and gratefulness in spite of suffering, to actually say thank God for minor injuries.. never mind the lacerations, immobility etc etc. must try to have a more thanksgiving heart = )

anyway another reason i'm blogging is.. has anyone seen my white pocket book Lecture Notes in General Surgery? can't remember who i lent it to, and surg SIP is starting.. (plus it cost 42 dollars.. heartache..)

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


haha forgive me for the lack of a better title.

just trying to study everything once is giving a huge headache.. ortho and o and g seem like foreign antigens inciting an antibody response..bleh.. very very thankful to my ex-cg mates.. who literally pulled me under the door and helped me pass all the end-of-posting tests despite going to school PRN.

but just thinking of how important it is to have female friends in med = ) because as a female doctor:

a) patients hate us cos they think we're incompetent

b) nurses hate us

c) male doctors hate us cos we're worthy competition (hurhur)

d) parents/spouses/children hate us for not putting in enough time/ money/ heart

e) ok la, female doctors are nice to each other = )

so anw, it is times like these.. always take heart! in the fact that our Heavenly Father loves us always, even if we fall short of His glory.. and it is absolutely not dependent on our efforts or how the world perceives us.

when the church in melbourne went through Romans.. found it exceedingly complicated.. aack, shall have to turn to e-Sword for this..

aha, but thinking of what a brother asked, "what is faith?" what does it mean to you? = )

thanks agnes for leading worship that day, and introducing us to this song. construction work going on next door, but i can still study! thanks to the endless worship songs via youtube

We Are The Reason - Avalon (Joy)
As little children
We would dream of Christmas morn
Of all the gifts and toys
We knew we'd find
But we never realized
A baby born one blessed night
Gave us the greatest gift of our lives
We were the reason
That He gave His life
We were the reason
That He suffered and died
To a world that was lost
He gave all He could give
To show us the reason to live
As the years went by
We learned more about gifts
The giving of ourselves
And what that means
On a dark and cloudy day
A man hung crying in the rain
All because of love, all because of love
I've finally found the reason for living
It's in giving every part of my heart to Him
In all that I do every word that I say
I'll be giving my all just for Him, for Him
He is my reason to live

We Are The Reason - Avalon (Joy)
As little children
We would dream of Christmas morn
Of all the gifts and toys
We knew we'd find
But we never realized
A baby born one blessed night
Gave us the greatest gift of our lives

We were the reason
That He gave His life
We were the reason
That He suffered and died
To a world that was lost
He gave all He could give
To show us the reason to live

As the years went by
We learned more about gifts
The giving of ourselves
And what that means
On a dark and cloudy day
A man hung crying in the rain
All because of love, all because of love

I've finally found the reason for living
It's in giving every part of my heart to Him
In all that I do every word that I say
I'll be giving my all just for Him, for Him

He is my reason to live

p.s i'm not anorexic as the picture depicts!
as to why, well see the shooting star and hamburger steak (i didn't eat the yolk!) from abof = )

Friday, August 10, 2007

why bother?

something possessed me to wake up at 6am today..
perhaps it was the let-downs last night.. after all the effort and anticipation.
perhaps it's just the fact that this'll likely be the last posting in kk for a damsel who isn't quite keen on o&g or paeds..
so trudged to tekka market for breakfast before sunrise.
why? well.. i grew up there. grandpa lived in little india, so going to the market was a weekly, sometimes daily affair.
can't explain the bliss of eating that same bowl of fishball noodles after a dozen-year hiatus (ya lah.. old already) and simple teh tarik (hey let me be convinced that it has anti-oxidants..).. will i be going there more often? =)

just like in a spoonful of korean blueberry yoghurt, there was a literal flashback to il dolce freddo..
and in the honey mixed with warm (skim!) milk, remembering the times shivering by the hostel microwave..
and today's hot coffee.. to the times in flinders lane..

oh i really miss melbourne. a lot. haha.. no fret.. i shall return.

but within minutes, all the fatigue and disappointment melted away.. and was soon back to baseline happiness.. skipping behind the pink-clad nurses to an 8.15 lecture.

that's right. baseline happiness.. when was the last time i felt this way? i thought i never would again.. really believed that i would never find the time that i could be truly content again like i was a certain number of years ago.

but somehow, it just creeped upon me. has anything changed? no, in fact circumstances are perhaps worse off now.. eg the biggest exam of my life is but 6 months away.

rather, somehow, ok, by His grace that's for sure.. just learnt.. how to let go of not one thing.. but everything. at last.

for a worrywart like me.. it seemed near impossible.

but now, no matter how distressing a situation was, within 24 hours, it's back to normal.. cos i've learnt, how to leave it at the foot of the cross.. no more struggling for my efforts are nought compared to leaving it all in His hands.. and the assurance, that it will turn out to be good. definitely. if not for now, then for eternity.

i can't believe this is actually coming from me.. but amazingly, just feel as if there are no more burdens. not. a. single. one.

He took my sins so i can be forgiven.. He has a plan that will never forsake or leave you.. and an everlasting love.. why worry? = )

one of the rarest of times.. feeling so light and free.. oh i am so so lucky...

1 Peter 5:7
Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.

it's time to be a big girl now, and big girls don't cry.