daily requirement

Sunday, August 26, 2007

fitness and calling

haha anyone who wants to see a collapsed patient/ # etc please follow me..
and oh! our cg found another type of "jinxed" food.. hamburger (han bao bao get it??) especially bad for children's emergency.. sorry victor i was really joking about the mass casualty thing.. didn't think it would really happen = P
no la, i suppose we are to leave it to Him.

remember sg.. how we rushed up the hill to the burning flames and smoke.. only to find the ambulance was there.. lol.

deja vu.
hm.. haha really need to pick up running again.
recalling the time when, on the bus, saw a motorcyclist lying motionless on the road.
got off at the next stop, and ran (it felt like it, really!) towards him.. but the ambulance sped ahead of me..

so today, was looking forward to a leisurely walk when again, lights blaring.. and another ambulance zoomed by with the left signal. so i ran after it.. turned left too but couldn't find it! hm, maybe it's the next road? ok.. run run.. hm where is it?? in the end, after 20 minutes.. resigned myself to the fact that it's a lil too late sigh. and non-emergency ambulance too thank God.

ok ok i'll start gymming tomorrow.

how can anyone actually finish studying for MBBS? trying to plough through 5 years of work/ inactivity.. really grateful that i can still at the end say, He'll make it alright, somehow..

hm.. truly inspired by her optimism and gratefulness in spite of suffering, to actually say thank God for minor injuries.. never mind the lacerations, immobility etc etc. must try to have a more thanksgiving heart = )

anyway another reason i'm blogging is.. has anyone seen my white pocket book Lecture Notes in General Surgery? can't remember who i lent it to, and surg SIP is starting.. (plus it cost 42 dollars.. heartache..)


  • At 12:49 AM, Blogger *sg* said…

    Yes dear, I remember very very clearly. However, that night we did "save" an old man at the bus stop near the fire didn't we? :D

    I thank God so much as well.. you sound so optimistic when you have so much to study!

    "Rejoice in the Lord always..Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Phil 4:4-7

  • At 1:00 PM, Blogger skimmedoff said…

    haha.. did u watch the brand's advertisement, when the guy picked up his book, it shrank! that's how i feel sometimes with His help.. sometimes la = )

    wonder why he trusted our directions but yep, hope we did!


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