daily requirement

Friday, November 09, 2007

refer psy

to: whom it may concern

i am a resident at block 8xx in tampines st 8x, wanting to report a very peculiar neighbour.

she can often be seen late at night, talking into the mirror, singing songs such as,
"this is an orange stick..."
" in summary sir, this patient is a middle-aged chinese male with Cushing's syndrome as evidenced by the moon-like facies, plethora, hirsutism, palmar erythema, trunkal obesity, supraclavicular and dorsal scapular fat pads and diffuse purpura, including subcutaneous insulin injection marks. i note that the patient is on a nebuliser, and therefore the likely aetiology is that of chronic lung disease such as asthma or COPD necessitating systemic exogeneous long-term corticosteriods. i looked for, but did not find any acne, proximal myopathy, abdominal striae or dermopathy. i would like to take the blood pressure looking for hypertension, urinalysis for glucose, temperature chart for intercurrent infection, as well as examine the fundi for cataracts, glaucoma and retinopathy. i would also like to examine the abdomen and vertebrae for any tenderness, and examine the joints for any arthropathy which may be the aetiology. yes!! oh wait.. i forgot to talk about respi again.. i know you hate ortho but can you please remember about kyphoscoliosis.."
" the causes of hepatomegaly may be divided into.. hm oh shucks.."

may i suggest a diet and exercise plan as she can often be seen running to nearby hawker centres three times a day, with increasing circumference.

it may also be wise to scare her by whispering "prof xyz" in one ear, while saying "6 more months!" in the other.

thank you for your kind attention.

dear sir/ madam,

unfortunately, we are unable to accede to your request.
every year, from october to march, we receive approximately 230 such complaints over the island. rest assured that these same people are the exact opposite: completely unarousable when may arrives.

thank you for your kind understanding.

feeling much more refreshed, finally met up with a then-friend now sis-in-Christ.. we haven't talked proper for 3 and a half years! laughing over our days of folly in UK and most notably, so comforted by finally confiding a very gripping daily fear.. only to have her say, "you know, i was very worried then, and i prayed for you.." sigh, as usual i didn't know it's God grace.. drowning in un-mentionables instead. but so glad that i can still go to sleep every night, peacefully, happily and contented (except during night calls).

haha super amused by a senior i met, who concluded 2 things:
1. women are like patients. know the changes, or you will be in trouble.
2. women can survive with a career and without a man, or with a man and without a career. but they cannot have both or neither.

guess which one i chose.

so then i proceeded to explain why men should never marry a doctor. more on that some other time.



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