daily requirement

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


in the library now.. cos can't get my wireless to work = (but anw, life here has been good.. save for persistent pharyngitis unresponsive to clarithromycin.
started at melbourne uni's austin hospital.. when i asked a friend who studied medicine at unimelb for 4 years where it was.. he said he'd never heard of it before! right.. heidelberg is rather far from the city.. but lovely (deserted) place.. haha and the quarters i'm living in has been ard since 1960. explains the huge spider found in the room on the first day... its legs were like, 10cm long...
but learning loads here. general medicine people really have to noe all specialties.. here in the ward rounds they involve you.. the prof asked for my opinion..right.. and different spectrum also.. scleroderma, zollinger-ellison.. and the usual geri conditions (read chronic)
the team is nice.. sticking to them cos not allowed to attend tutorials (?!) and perform procedures.
ok, off to the city.. still prefer cleaner sydney though.. but i suppose God wants me to be here for a reason even though all reasoning points to me being home.. will figure it out and enjoy in the meantime = )


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