daily requirement

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Psalm 119:71 It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees.

belle asked us to prepare a sharing session on how God has helped us throught the past year.. and i thought, well, guess He mainly helped me by placing certain people and situations in my life, for i admit, that in the past year, i was too caught up to hear His voice. and of course, we didn't have time to share in the end.. but last night, basking in the glow of a faded heart-shaped lamp in the living room, everything came back to me as an unfamiliar feeling creeped over me, the feeling of.. warmth.

as i looked on to the new lamp, the replacement, it didn't seem to sparkle like it did in the store, but i suppose, that's how it is with all things, their beauty just degenerates.

2007 was, simply a year of struggles.
starting off, i was suddenly faced with the biggest challenge of my life, that 4 years of medical school never prepared me for: to be the team leader of the battle between life and death, with some nights not knowing which end i'll be on. the worst part was having to hide all weakness, all sadness, and being strong enough to take charge. and the gift of knowledge worked against my favour, having to decide what to reveal to whom and when, and knowing the repercussions on everyone and making life-changing decisions for myself that were heart-wrenching, yet having no time to deal with the pain. but the strength, truly, never came from me. it came from the Lord, nights of sobbing (under the blanket) with Psalms in hand, prayers that were somewhat never answered it seemed, except for the ones that went "oh Lord, please please help me get through this day. i'm so tired, please give me the strength".

suffice to say, throw in a cafe, jewellery store and it's small wonder i winded up at the bottom of the batch that semester. as patho exam showed, i learnt that really, i shoudl rely on Him instead of my minute capacities.

i'd love to say, "oh but it made me a better person".. sadly it did not, for unlike other leaderships, this was one in which i could not afford to fail. instead, i became a type A++++++++, impatient, sometimes mean, with ?thyrotoxicosis/ phaeo/ Conn's/ anxiety disorder. somewhere along the way, i lost the capacity to love completely, for various reasons; mostly because i didn't allow myself to become emotionally involved throughout this time. it was as if, i became somewhat inhuman.

before i knew it, whisked off to melbourne before things were settled.. but i soon learnt to spend time alone, and come to terms with God's plan for me.. and appreciate His beauty and not just comfrt in sorrow once again, and realising that hey, i am still alive.

when i came back, it was as if someone had hit the reset button, and i was, almost, back to where it started (save for the family business). of course, i was so foolish to expect everything to be the same, but 6 months is a long time, many things had changed.

once again, medical internship brought a whole new whirlwind of activity, and sometimes small prayers said while running in the corridors helped at 5am, but mostly, strength again.. although janine taught me to pray for the little things, like trying to get to cgh on time and not missing bus-stops = P honestly the rest of 5th year was just panicking over each posting.. surgical internship was somewhat similar, but different. again, following Him on a daily basis helped let go of all mishaps that were there the day before..

i suppose i neglected to see the big picture, or was so busy poring down notes, prodding obsessively while offing drains, scrutinising for any sutures left behind, but when i looked up, i found.. that everyone had moved on. it was like one of those nightmares where you fell asleep and woke up to find everyone was ahead of you. they gently called me to join them. in my bitter selfishness, i pouted, "that's unfair! why didn't you wait for me?" was of the opinion, that God had to grant it to me first, the fruit of the Spirit, before i had anything to show of it. eventually, they shocked me by saying, "you want to know why? u're grumpy and unlovely, and we don't love you anymore. so just get out of our lives."

of course, i'd be lying if i said i enjoy living on my own. but suppose God wanted me to learn how to live with Him. and He answered my prayer, just when i thought He didn't.. the almost daily one of, "Lord, i really want to love others again with Your love, i don't know why i can't seem to do it anymore, but teach me please" and so slowly, i learnt how to love again, thinking of ways to make others feel cared for with whatever limited time there was, showing joy at the few opportunities; no it's not perfect, and i'm still not the person i used to be, but at least, there is progress.

last night, i saw how everyone had recovered.. how they were happier than before, so much more mature than before, so much milder than before, so much more fulfilled.. and they did all these on their own. as usual, being the melancholic idiot that i am, still stuck somewhere in the woods.

so the focus of 2008, is 2 words: move on. kept praying that God will help me do so, and He opened many doors for me, but well, i failed to see that i still needed that human step, that resolve to say, i don't care anymore what the world thinks of me, or what happened in the past. it's a new phase, with a scary mbbs and what even senior consultants dub "the worst year of my life" that is HO-ship, but in the midst of the activity, if the aussie and ttsh examples are anything to go by, i want to find her again, i long to hear others say again, " oh i really love your smiles!" "you're so cheerful aren't you?", knowing that this time, the joy cometh not just from me (which i neglected to realise, is also crucial) , but also from Jesus = )

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

soul mets

the love shown in doing something for someone in need, will help replace the deficits of love in your life = )

haven't been able to find the time to blog about this:
tomorrow, that's 23rd dec, young adults are celebrating their First Year Anniversary.. with a delicious dinner, songs and games! if u're interested, do pop by Newton Life Church.

the interesting conversation that passed between us..
beautiful sister: what are you doing this hols?
me: hahahahaha. what hols? studying lor.
beautiful sister: er. ya. that was a given. what i meant, was, what're u going to study.

me: everything. that's a given too

both: *sigh*

a very nice prayer.. reminds me of what victor said, that medicine is our main ministry. sadly i haven't had much time to focus on that. going to do so for the next few months, so in a way not at all anxious abt mbbs, cos i need the extra 6 months to catch up with pre-clinical work =P

from my senior's facebook:

Lord, who on earth did'st minister

To those who helpless lay

In pain and weakness, hear me now

As unto Thee I pray

Give to mine eyes the power to see

The hidden source of ill

Give to my hand the healing touch

The throb of pain to still

Grant that mine ears be swift to hear

The cry of those in pain

Give to my tongue the words that bring

Comfort and strength again

Till then my heart with tenderness

My brain with wisdom true

and when in weariness I sink

Strengthen then me anew

So on Thy footsteps may I tread

Strong in Thy strength always

So may I do Thy blessed work

and praise Thee day to day

- The Physician's Prayer

just deleted a paragraph of stuff that really shouldn't be here, well, sigh, just hope that i can sleep tonight.. without another nightmare.

but for the moment, let me ponder on the real meaning of Christmas: this is the first time i've ever heard this song, inspired by Shushan's sms. of course Corrine May sings it very well:
O come, O come, Emmanuel
And ransom captive Israel
That mourns in lonely exile here
Until the Son of God appear
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.
O come, Thou Rod of Jesse, freeThine own from Satan's tyranny
From depths of Hell Thy people save
And give them victory o'er the grave
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.
O come, Thou Day-Spring, come and cheer
Our spirits by Thine advent here
Disperse the gloomy clouds of night
And death's dark shadows put to flight.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.
O come, Thou Key of David, come,
And open wide our heavenly home;
Make safe the way that leads on high,
And close the path to misery.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.
O come, O come, Thou Lord of might,
Who to Thy tribes, on Sinai's height,
In ancient times did'st give the Law,
In cloud, and majesty and awe.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.

Friday, December 07, 2007


this is just to reassure/ worry the population that i am still alive, you won't be one houseman short.. haha.

just spending time distinguishing between a PUD and a PDU. hence the non-replies on face book.

it felt oddly familiar, stepping into the ttsh washroom.. and suddenly remembering that i was here on the first day of clinicals almost 3 years ago. when i looked into the mirror, so startled that took few steps back. the image scared me. well, partially from the newfound eyebags.. but mostly, from that hunger and determination in those same eyes that were so filled with trepidation some time ago.. the look of pure alertness despite 4hrs of sleep, of wanting to want more, of "i will deal with the problem". the look, of someone who was ready to be a doctor (almost).

but really today's test took the cake.

don't know how i remembered all the anat /mb/ gs during the grilling...

mr k : imagine, you are the surgeon in the ot..

me: *gulp*

mr k: you open up, the tumour has spread to the ureters, bladder and retroperitoneum. what would you do next?

me: er.. resect the colonic portion.

mr k : you can't mobilise.

me: *oh! i know!!!* we could place a permanent colostomy

mr k : but you didn't counsel the patient, and he doesn't want one. so how????

me: *ok, i really don't want to do surgery. but. i. don't. have. a. choice. so li fang, think..*

and in that instance, i really saw myself in the ot, with the patient on table, and almost with diathermy in hand.. and the answer was suddenly obvious.

me: (in a voice not my own) i would resect the portions proximal and distal to the tumour, and do an end-to-end anastomosis, with a temporary ileostomy.

mr k : good.

where did that come from?

was it.. my m3 tutorial, but wait, i didn't read through them..

hm, could i attribute it to God's grace then?

it must be.

as for everything else, can't blog without make it melodramatic haha, so won't go there.

but the time spent in kluang and gunung lambak was so so wonderful and timely. and cheap. break from studying? and fellowship? anytime!