daily requirement

Saturday, July 28, 2007


IV 23G/21G vacutainer 20x/d
PO iced milo/ yuan yang OM
PO Anarex 625mg qds PRN (for LBP)
TOP Mometasone Furoate 0.01% 1application BD
PR latex tds
for daily FBC, PT/PTT, LFT, UEC, GXM.....
food restrict

breaking out in facial eczema.. unresponsive to steroids and loratidine! bleh..

but really learning loads.. such as how to go NBM x 12h. and work for 21/7 in a row, i kid you not.

hm just slept for an hour in the jewellery store.. is anything missing?!

eyes are closing again.

take care everyone = )

Friday, July 20, 2007

moderately lysed

suppose i love what i do, nvm the stand-all-day-and-night and the lack of rest, much less sleep.

nvm that still have to help out at cafe after 20 attempts at ABGs.

until 2 patients complained against me today.

ok. before it gets to the press or smth, i admit i'm a lousy intern, and how come i'm still in medicine well i dunno. but can't be sued yet thankfully.

until read the daily bread on spiritual decompression aug 26th. much better now.

please help me survive the night call and sunday...

"Those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength." - Isaiah 40:31

Saturday, July 07, 2007

The Lord your God is with you..
He will take great delight in you..
he will rejoice over you with singing.
---- Zephaniah 3:17

haha.. reposting again.

it was only after reading this from a card sent by a brother and sister.. that it finally dawned upon me.

ok, i admit i never liked celebrating my birthday. in particular, i was dreading this day of this year, what with 7 being an auspicious number to the Chinese and Biblical reference of perfection.. and everyone harping on this big hoo-ha over nothing.. "you should buy lottery today!" "are you getting married today?" not funny. almost wished i weren't born on it.. and resolved to play it down as any other day.

until it struck me.. a birthday is not just for the cake or presents or celebration for celebration's sake. it's the day that God chose for you to be born, it signifies creation, the start of a grand plan, a perfect plan, that was uniquely created some years ago, just for you and you alone. isn't it wondrous, that He created each and every one of us, for a purpose, that we were born on this very day some time ago, for a special reason? isn't it wondrous, that we were first showered with the Lord's love, on this very day years ago? isn't that the real reason for celebrating a birth-day?

oddly, or perhaps as some of you may have expected, it is only on this first birthday as a Christian, am i truly celebrating = )
feeling even more guilty now..
saw her jaw drop as i received the biggest bouquet of my life with the biggest frown ever, and an irritated pursing of lips to top it off.

sorry.. there are few things that anger me more to know that someone, anyone, has spent the slightest amount of money/attention on yours truly, for it is a great big waste.
cue forced smiles and seething teeth whenever presents come my way..
double standards, some may say but really i enjoy giving.. hate receiving.

as such, i'm sorry but no birthday has been truly happy, cos really i'd rather u spend it on yourself/ your family/ your friends.. no offense! i really don't know why i'm like that.. material possesions are pretty trivial.. most of what i own are gifts.

next time do donate it to charity/ buy a bag for yourself/ top up your ez link and let me know.. i promise to give u the most sincere of smiles = )

haiz.. just found out my friends have been looking forward to SIP for ages.. how can anyone want to wake up at 4.30am, do endless procedures and reach home at midnight 7 days a week (the worst part as always is not being able to go to church!), plus all the night calls, is truly beyond me. really really hope and pray i won't become grumpy or disillusioned, and that i can keep awake while walking... if i don't reply for the next one month you know why..

and i'm already feeling exhausted..