daily requirement

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

final round

suppose it's been many months that i tried to prepare for this new year.

in the first day however, got punched once, twice, thrice and finally four times.

silly girl. always pretending that everything's the same.

it doesn't matter, i will try to ignore the world's standards.

from now on, my new mantra is "MBBS is only 8 months away! wake up!".
from now on, i will focus on what the Lord wants me to do.

the best part of today was preparing dinner solo for my family.. surprise, it's a miracle! discovered some universal truths:
1) bulgogi sauce can cook anything
2) spring onions tastes nice in an omelette
3) place the fishballs before yong tau foo boils to give it more flavour
4) always have bak chang (and a good cake) in the fridge
but did it before, and the response was, "not bad!" = )

ok gotta finish this business proposal done by an amateur..

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

increase the weight please

it's the better thing to do...

strangely awake despite an island (sentosa, that is) wide walk, early gym session, plus waitressing for 6 hours haha.. maybe derrick's right, i have hyperthyroidism.

running to catch the last bus the past few days led me to think.. how does the bus driver of the last bus go home? taxi? car? hm, we never quite appreciate those in the background do we..

what have i been doing the past month?? hm hm... latin jam, well borrowed some vcds.

more pictures.. warm chocolate cake (although visuals do not justify it.. really do try it.. jas was all praises yesterday!) and 2 newly revamped (and improved of course) items: spicy pork ribs and honey date pudding.

anw there were only 2 extra things prayed for when i was away.. and the Lord did answer both! and blessed more abundantly than thought possible like in the wedding. one of which was as the picture above shows.. yay our young adult group in NLC has grown from a mere handful to fingers and toes = ) anyone's welcomed, pre or current Christian, at 6pm every alternate sunday starting 24th jun!

ps.. thanks sw for the feedback.. u're right it does show up in columns but i dunno how to change it... haha sorry = )


hm how have my days been...

gym sessions are going great.. gaining tone not really muscle.. no longer scrawny yay!

and exercise is a real appetite suppressant.

spend most days behind the restaurant/ jewellery counter vowing to be more productive when i get home..

only to sit down with 200g of chocolate (occasionally!), read 20 food blogs, write 2 lines of ethics and yup, feeling guilty = P

must adjust to the pace here quick! or i'll be flat out during internship which starts in 3 weeks.

loving our enemies.. ha. oh well. not exactly great in this department.. but strangely, there was someone who called the other day, someone whom, over the years i developed a grumpy and irritated tone when talking to, suppose it was a way to get her off the hook, and a way of expressing displeasure at the things she did. haven't spoken to her in a while, and somehow, all of a sudden, this time something came to mind and said, "remember God's love" and i couldn't bring myself to be mean anymore, just naturally sounded cheerful and just can't be angry anymore.. dunno why..


presenting.. Abof's roti prata (perata) and curry chicken, lemon tart and chocolate brulee cake, and new but nice seafood pilaff rice and finally, lavender scented cod from the degustation menu.

wanted to take a break from waitressing for once, decided to finally start on a new exercise regime. now day 5.

yay! been keeping up so far.. 2 gym sessions. 1 wonderful nike rockstar workout.. whatever that means.. and feeling extremely invigorated. and healthy. quite funny.. wanted to eat nasi lemak but it was spoilt, now the greedy pig has a stomachache (bought 9 hrs ago no wonder) but LDL's still safe. really! the personal trainer asked, "why did you join?" and i said, "health." "no other reason?" "er no." not like i love the way i look, but hey, after aussie, i'm accepting myself the way things are! after all, it's the way God made me (let's not go into details.) and much happier as a result = ) free.

looking forward to latin jam, hip hop, mtv dance (?) and the beautiful view from one george st. cool!

hm.. addicted to Christmas songs haha.. oh well everyday should be Christmas right?

currently listening to:

Do You Hear What I Hear?
Said the night wind to the little lamb, "Do you see what I see? Way up in the sky, little lamb, Do you see what I see? A star, a star, dancing in the night With a tail as big as a kite, With a tail as big as a kite."
Said the little lamb to the shepherd boy, "Do you hear what I hear? Ringing through the sky, shepherd boy, Do you hear what I hear? A song, a song high above the trees With a voice as big as the the sea, With a voice as big as the the sea."
Said the shepherd boy to the mighty king, "Do you know what I know? In your palace warm, mighty king, Do you know what I know? A Child, a Child shivers in the cold-- Let us bring him silver and gold, Let us bring him silver and gold."
Said the king to the people everywhere, "Listen to what I say! Pray for peace, people, everywhere, Listen to what I say! The Child, the Child sleeping in the night He will bring us goodness and light, He will bring us goodness and light."

Thursday, June 07, 2007

a need, or a want?


Home sweet home..
Did nothing all day but try to collate the research.. haha I will unpack tonight promise!
Stole pics from the class blog on Adelaide.. haha we were trying to look like we’re rescuing the guy but I look really dumb.. bleh = P
No withdrawal symptoms strangely, it’s like.. when u’ve had something really wonderful.. just that little bit is enough enjoyment.. u don’t crave for it. Yes you would love to have it again, but if you can’t, well.. no worries! = )

hm well.. a little lost now.

just realised all the research was not needed. and it can't be implemented.

a little crushing, after all the effort (and money) placed into it.

irony isn't it.. when you're busy you wish you had nothing to do, and when that finally is the case.. you feel that you're not needed.. and sometimes, do you wonder, what you're really supposed to be doing in this life?

ordinarily.. would be upset. but now i know.. that God has a purpose in my life.. and i will live continually striving and praying to find it. and working towards what i think it is.

bestie, i feel the same way, if He ever asked the question today, "what did you do with all the abilities and talents I gave you?", my answer would be, "i'm sorry, but i did nothing."

but i should be happy! because the best outcome is coming, we have better opportunities than we thought possible, even if they did not come from my help, i'll make the choice to rejoice! and praise Him for His grace.

and in future, channel my efforts into something more worthwhile..
p.s lotsa melbourne stuff to be found in tanglin marketplace in paragon.. the natural confectionery sweets, sunsweet granola bars, coffee, greek dips and yoghurt, arnotts (not marked up yay!), smith's chips, richfields choc, honey, schweppes and san pelligrino.. for those like me who miss it already = )