daily requirement

Saturday, May 09, 2009

induction of labour

i've always wondered what it would be.. i knew that my relatively new faith had to be stabilised.. by something.. but never knew it involved tearing it apart and building from scratch.. a summary of what's been going on..

but it feels much better now.. to know that i'm standing on concrete.. not sand.

personal worship.. what does that mean to you..

taken from a book that was key to me functioning in the first year of working life, My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers; 'Living a life of faith means never knowing where you are being led. But it does mean loving and knowing the One who is leading. It is literally a life of faith, not of understanding and reason - a life of knowing Him who calls us to go. Faith is rooted in the knowledge of a Person, and one of the biggest traps we fall into is the belief that if we have faith, God will surely lead us to success in the world.'

i sat in the room stubbornly.. while God was knocking outside patiently.. and in my self-chosen isolation there were months of torment and fatigue.. until finally i gave up and opened the door to surrender completely.. to say i'm ready to accept the worst circumstances.. and fell into His arms.. after that.. i felt so free and happy....

no darkness.. no sick or lame.. no hiding.. You hold me now..

the new phase starts again on thursday.. and i really love this song now..
I'm gonna sing this song
To let you know that you're not alone
And if you're like me
You need hope, coffee, and melody
So sit back down
Let the world keep spinning ‘round
For yesterday's gone and today is waiting on you to show your face

It might not be
The prettiest thing that you'll ever see
But it’s a new day, oh baby, it’s a new day
And it might not look like
A beautiful sunrise
But it's a new day, oh baby, it’s a new day

- new day by robbie seay band